Orgy first made it big when they were discovered and signed by KoRn, and were even given a big break touring on the inaugural Family Values Tour in 1998 along with Korn, Limp Bizkit and Rammstein. Incubus were on that tour too, but nobody gave a shit about them back then.
Orgy scored a big hit single with a cover of the New Order song "Blue Monday" and I believe their debut album "Candy Ass" made Gold status. Their second album Vapor Transmission was received less well then their debut, but was an ok listen. Orgy basically mixed their nu-metal style with a touch of industrial.
They dissapeared off the radar for some time after and resurfaced just last year with a new album on a new record label. It's just too bad they couldn't make more use of their time away, as at just 9 songs, there really isn't much to absorb here. But at least they fill in a good 30 minutes with just 9 tracks than Linkin Park can with 12!
Some changes were made to the bands style this time around, as they've embraced a more nu-metal sound instead of the techno-industrial bits that got them to the dance. This isn't all bad, but out of 9 tracks, I'd say that it's 1/3 listenable. The things that I didn't like is the way that vocalist Jay Gordon would just seem to sing out of tune deliberately in some places cause he can't reach the chord required, and the same goes for some of the guitar plucking. It just shows laziness to me also that they released a full album with just 9 tracks instead of going for the standard 12. And Gordon needs to stay away from anything even remotely that sounds like trying to rap on a song cause he definately doesn't have the voice for it, and lay off the echo effects while he's at it too.
CD Rating: **Must Hear Tracks:
- Leave Me Out
- The Obvious
- Inside My Head
- Can't Take This